You Need A Good Attorney - Chalk Talk Sermon on 8/15/18
Chalk talk sermon about the Lord Jesus Christ as your Good Attorney from I John 2. He will represent you with favor against the endless and

Brazil Presentation & Chalk Talk Sermon - Let Your Light Shine
The needs for Brazil are many but none great than the power to save from sin that only comes from believing on Christ's finished work on

Lessons of Grace from a Man after God's own Heart
Grow in grace, God's people are ordered to grow in something that is foreign to our nature. David left us with some lesson to learn from

The Four Judgments - Chalk Talk on 11/2/17
One of the drawings my dad told me I should try do as I learned how to do chalk talks. This is one of my many attempts at Dr. Ruckman's

The Refiner's Fire - Chalk Talk on 8/27/17
Message preached on Aug. 27th for the evening service at Pastor Aaron Hunter's church, Bible Believer's Baptist Church, in Port Saint...

The Lord's Vineyard - Chalk Talk on 8/27/17
Message preached on Aug. 27th for the morning service at Pastor Aaron Hunter's church, Bible Believer's Baptist Church, in Port Saint...

Simple Directions - Chalk Talk on 3/12/17
Message preached on March 12th for the evening service at Pastor Robert Hatch's church, Bible Baptist Church, in Winneconne, Wisconsin....